Thursday, January 21, 2010

Specifics on establishing a parenting plan in Washington state?

My 16 year old has never had a parenting plan as we were divorced before he was born. The child support office said I will have to establish a parenting plan to address his post high school support issues. He has plans to attend college and will graduate from HS in 2011. Does anyone know if I have to hire a lawyer for this, as I don't have much money. Anyone have any information on this?Specifics on establishing a parenting plan in Washington state?
This article will provide you with the info for filing and you do not have to have an attorney.~

A change in circumstances.

Paper work from Washington state court website.

Money for the filing fee.


Step1In Washington state, they want you to have a significant change in circumstances in order to change the parenting plan. For example, if your prior spouse is stalking you or has been using drugs, but wasn't before, you could get a parenting plan revision. If you don't have a change in circumstance, stop here. If not, go to step 2.

Step2Go to: and download a parenting plan revision form.

Step3Figure out what you are asking to be changed. Be very specific and figure out why you think it should be changed.

Step4Gather up all of your evidence. If you are getting calls at all hours from your ex, print out a phone log. If you have kept a journal of your ex's bizarre behavior, make a copy for the court. If you have arrest records or anything else that would help your case, get that ready to file with the court. Get certified copies of what you can.

Step5Fill out the form and turn it into your local courthouse. It is 56 dollars if you file the revision in the place where your original plan was written up. It is 200 dollars or more if you file in a different county from where you had your first parenting plan. If you can't afford the filing fee, you can apply for financial assistance.

Step6Get your ex served with papers. You can do this with certified mail, personal service, or a process server. If you can't find the person, hire an investigator or look them up on You may have to leave them a legal notice in the newspaper which is very spendy. File proof of the person being served with the court.

Step7Sit back and wait. Your ex has 20 days to respond if they were served in person. They have 90 days to respond if served by mail. They have 60 days if they were served in another state. They have 20 days if served in your state with a process server.

Step8If the other party responds, prepare for trial. If not, go to the next step.

Step9If the other party does not respond, you automatically win by default. You will then need to file a motion for default form with the court. Be sure that you file this form before a year runs out or you will have to redo all of your paperwork.~
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