Monday, December 28, 2009

What is the best parenting advice you have?

For children of all ages. Any advice at all.

~ I think mine would be to get video, lots of it. Because children grow up so much faster than planned.What is the best parenting advice you have?
Mine would be to do what you think is right for your kids, not what everyone else tells you is right.What is the best parenting advice you have?
Each is Different and each have their own ways. First you must listen. When they are sad or their feelings are hurt, or proud and laughing... Give a Hug. Tell them you Love them every chance you get. Teach them Please and Thank you.. Be Honest with them, Be Patient... Laugh at the joke if it's not funny. When they holler Watch me respond like it was better than anything you seen in your life. When you say ';NO'; Explain why and be forward and clear. Hold their hands, play with them if they feel like playing. Most important - Treasure the Memories for a Life Time.
I say take lots of pictures .I just recently developed over 30 rolls of film.It was awsome to see my kids little again!!! I also have kept things the kids have made and given me,I have a hope chest.
To hug and kiss them as much as possible, tell them how much you love them. I love the video idea. Read to them. And just enjoy them as much as you can because they dont stay little long.
Be consistent, be firm and be loving. Keep to a routine for the most part and remember to acknowledge good behavior and not just focus on bad behavior.

Above prepared to be flexible. You WILL do some of those things you SWORE you'd NEVER do. And it's OK.
Tell them always the truth according to their age. Your word will be the law for them, they will know that coming to you, they will get the truth.

they did that to me and its not good bcuz then they'll get use to getting every thing and when one day u say no to sum thing theyll get mad truxh me i'm like dat!
Consistency and Godly influence! Also, keep up with their baby book, because you think you'll remember everything, but you'll soon find out you don't remember what happened yesterday, much less 8 years ago when they were 4 mos. old!!!! Take lots of pictures!
I think i would have a lot of physical games for my kids, like base ball, basket ball, and my favorites, i would love to see my daughter play soccer, and my son football. i really love football, that's the game my boyfriend plays, i love him more for that. Don't take my word for it, you can have your kids play the games you have passion for, you wouldn't even mis any of their school games.

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