Usually the court will advise alternating years, but if you can reach a mutual agreement - based on what is most important to each of you - it will be better in the long run.
With our situation, the biggest thing I wanted was my daughter (who was two when we divorced) be home on Christmas day. When I was a child, I woke up, saw what Santa brought - and then 'come on, time to go see everyone else in the family'. I hated it - so it was very important to me that she be allowed to be home, see what Santa bought, play with her toys, nap, and a nice dinner at my house.
For his side of the family, Thanksgiving was a huge deal - with family from all over coming together.
Our solution - I got Christmas, he got Thanksgiving every year. He also got Easter - although Easter is important to me, it's the other 'wake up and see what was left' holiday, so since I had Christmas, he got Easter. (Friday to Monday). For a long time, I took off Good Friday, and we went to church for Maundy Thursday and had a special breakfast on Good Friday - and he picked her up at 6 on good friday night.
Good luck!Does anyone know the court suggested parenting time Holiday schedule?
Everyone is different, we do the whole holiday from the time school recesses till the time the child goes back to school. So this year we get her on Thursday and bring her back to school Monday. This also allows for travel time. We get even she gets odd years. Its fair.
How about alternating every year?
I am really not sure. I don't experience that problem because their dad does the whole Christian thing and I do the Jewish holidays. Sorry, if that wasn't much help.
The judge may decide on giving you guys 50/50 holidays.
Good luck!
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