Thursday, May 13, 2010

How is parenting today different than it was 15-50 years ago?

I am asking this because I noticed a lot of parents these days not willing to accept their child's downfalls or should I say mistakes. I also think some parents have way too much pride in their kids and they are not willing to accept the possibly their kids can be different. This is coming from a 20 year old , so please do not criticize seniors if you answer thisHow is parenting today different than it was 15-50 years ago?
Parents ';make them but don't shape them.'; Parenting is a 24/7 job that is often unpleasant and demanding. Parents must instill discipline and values in their youngsters, set good examples, develop skills and talents in their children, and be willing to say ';no'; from the age of two on. Children who turn out well learn that the world doesn't revolve around them, and that the world doesn't owe them anything, including second chances. Good parents also allow their children to make mistakes, learn from them, and understand there are consequences for all decisions and choices in life. Many parents today aren't doing these all.How is parenting today different than it was 15-50 years ago?
When I was growing up, you were taught to respect your elders and your teachers. If a teacher reprimanded you, your parents supported the teacher. There were rules about when to go to bed, proper dress attire, go to school, etc.

Many of today's parents do not accept any responsibility in the upbringing of their children. Everyone has to let the child do whatever he/she wants because children have the right to express themselves. If the child does something wrong, it's not his/her fault, it's the school's for not teaching them proper morals. Add to this, many of today's parents hand off their parenting roles to the grandparents because 'they' have better things to do than raise their own kids. This sets quite the example for the kids and the problem grows.
The majority of young parents I come across today have no conception of what the word ';Polite'; means. Therefore they certainly cannot instill into their children to be polite and respect others. Everyone seems to be competing with everybody else to have the bigger house, the newest cars, the smartest children, the most money. Children are not disciplined and are given everything they want. I'm not even sure parents today are able to acknowledge their children's mistakes because they are too busy keeping up with the Jones's to notice.

Just Joyce said it all. I'd like to expand on one thing concerning the influence of TV and movies. Children know too much too soon these days. They've lost the innocence of childhood that we all knew. When elementary and middle school girls are wearing thongs and belly shirts and worrying about their weight, they've jumped straight from kindergarten to high school without all the good stuff that should come in between. I was talking with a friend last night whose 12 year old daughter is being called ';fat'; at school. She's a size 4 and 5'6'; tall. Evidently, anything bigger than a size ';0'; is fat these days. This is not coming from parents, and mom and dad can talk all they want about how pretty she is. The truth is that the only thing that this slender, healthy girl is going to hear is the boys calling her fat. And that kind of body image came directly from the likes of Nicole Richie, Tara Reid, and the stick thin models with boob jobs that they see on TV.
Parenting today is probably the same as it was 100 years ago . . . We teach right from wrong, good morals, clothe, feed, and love our children. The problems develop at about age 10, when they start listening to their peers and seeing the negativity of life on the TV and in movies. . .The majority of mothers stayed at home to raise their children. It is only when the economy worsened and both parents had to work, which threw the balance of family life off kilter. You are lucky if you have a family member babysit because the sense of ';family'; is still kept alive. Only having a few hours a day to spend with children also puts guilt on some parents, and the child suffers from spoiling ! If the child acts up, the parent feels the guilt again, and in defending the child is in essence, defending themselves. . . . I just know GUILT is a big word and will answer all the questions you asked. . . . I wish I knew a way to turn it around, but the world is in an even bigger mess today . . .next, the 10 year olds will have to drop out of school to help support the family !
Don't get me started on this; it is a disgrace how children are ';not raised'; in today's society.

My friend was correcting her son, and I thought that it seemed out of place. Then realized you never see that happen anymore.

I was raised to respect my elders, listen to my parents, and always, in public or private, mind my manners, ask first and always be respectful.

There was a question on YA the other day about a woman that had her kids with her in a restaurant and the kids were running up and down the line of people (her story remember). She said the people in back of her were giving her hard looks and really rude.

This is the attitude of parents today. Many answered back that yes they were rude; far fewer stated she should dicsipline her children. What has the world come to?
I think that parents in previous years were not afraid to set limits, say ';NO'; and mean it, implement a loss of privileges, and taught their children to respect themselves and others, AND also taught manners!

I am a parent who is ';old school'; and frequently am told how well-behaved and what ';fine young men'; my two sons are...

My pet peeve is parents who let their screaming children ruin the meals of other dining kids knew since BIRTH that if they made a peep, they would be outside in an instant...they were itty bitty and sitting up in their high chairs behaving because they KNEW to be rowdy would mean an end to the fun and sitting in the car with one parent, while the other parent and child finished the meal.

--BrainBabe, a thoroughly-modern mom who still parents the old-fashioned way!
Parent raised their own children, now they are in Day Care, and have a different set of problems since Day Care. Parents cannot not spend enough time with their children, they both need to work, and the Children deal with bulling and other group problems in schools.Children are learning to cope with their problems in School and theri free time on their own .

Because in these days there a re tow class divisions among us kids. There are the ones that have been spoiled rotten and never had to lift a finger, for their parents did it for them. And then there are the kids that have had to claw their way to the top, and they have been abused by thier drunken/ drug addicted parents. This is the way i see it all around me at school and in town. There is no middle. You either have the good life or you have the rough/ frightful life. That's exceptions these days.

And then there is the release for those kids that never had a loving family or any attention growing up, A.K.A, the gang bangers. These kids the ones that hve been to hell and back and have found love within the family of a gang. These brothers would die for eachother if need be. But then there are the poser gangstaz that think they are all that because they got enough money to hire some one to take a hit out on their ex girl. Pathetic.

And then there are the kids who have found a realease in self-hurting. This release is most common, for many people find pain a glad release over the pressure of sadness and anger.

Kids today are not being raised right by thier parents is the main point. There is a huge division among the the two groups of kids, and as we grow we start to realize how large it is. They think that we're those street rat-wrist cutting- drug users and we think that they are those money loving- never working- perfect parented- spoiled brats.
thanks to computers young people are exposed to so many things and some much sooner than they used to..sexual education is more important now than ever before...all my generation had to worry about was a bad reputation, the clap or a they have so many diseases out there that cdc gives them numbers instead of names what used to just be a romp in the back seat can be a deadly trip to the end of your life...Young people must be more RESPONSIBILE for their actions today and i hope the parents are ready for these adult problems being thrown on children.
The parents of today apparently NEVER learned the fact that they are their children's MAIN ROLE MODEL. What they do and how they behave is what their children will do.

Watch out for your reflection, it will appear in your children.

I was all for women's liberation when it started and still am in many ways. But the sad repercussions are the neglect of our children. They are being raised by schools that are not producing well educated children and day cares, that do their best but are not parents..


I watch Moms all the time, with their children or other family members, spend all their time together ON THE DAMN CELL PHONE. PUT DOWN YOUR PHONES AND PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FAMILIES.

Spare the rod and spoil the child. Today we have far too many spoiled children. That makes our current recession/depression a good thing because spoiled children will now be deprived of too much luxury in many cases. The idea of doing whatever you want as long as you don't hurt anybody tends to hurt everybody.
as a child my teacher had the authority to paddle me and then i got another when i got home. no excuse was acceptable. todays parents have the teachers unable to keep order in the classroom because they can't discipline the students and it's been going on for years. and no prayer or 10 commandments in school and it gets worse every day. something needs/ needed to be done along time ago but we sit quietly and let the few dictate to the majority. we need help.
well my son that turned 29 today had a habit of throwing myself on the floor at the store if he couldn't have this toy or that toy..we didn't have much money for toys , so of course the answer was no, not today! well one day he laid on the floor kicking his little legs as hard as he could and crying!..i said son if you don't get up off the floor, i'll have to spank your little butt...i actually did...but no more fits at the store. he has given me a wonderful grandson that will be 3 and my son is such a great father..people compliment what a great parent he is....i love my family!
i think parents are on the wrong track when it comes to disciplining their children now i don't mean beating your children but in order for ';time out'; to work for some kids you have to give them at least one good spanking just so they know you will
Parents today won't correct the kids for fear of being arrested, it's a shame. My neighbores kid was arrested for drugs, etc, and died from a overdose, but to listen to her he never did anything wrong. Very sad.
most parents I know do Their Best...I find it is the spoiled child problem that exists...every child feels entitled to all. I feel the need to raise mine the old Way, with morals and a work ethic So they can make it in this dog eat dog world.

EDIT:Wellsaid Dr.W!!!
I do see more parents who attempt to use reasoning with their misbehaving children instead of grabbing them and spanking their behinds. Give it another 20 years or so and you will find out if they had the better method of parenting.
What parenting - teachers, cops %26amp; probation officers.
No, they're terrific - just like you.
Well, moms stayed home with their children more. And we were told to go outside and play. I used to play and run all the time. Now a days, kids just sit in front of a tv playing video games. Which is fine for a little while but children should run and play. Obesity is a big problem in the US. I weigh more than I should. I agree that a lot of people take too much pride in their children. They push them into sports and things sometimes when the child just wants to do his own thing. I know this because my brother is like that. He pushes them very hard but they seem to enjoy it. Sports will hopefully keep them away from drugs.

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