Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bossyvey: Does your oldest child try to take over parenting duties even though you keep asking them NOT to?

If my daughter tells my son to sit down and eat his dinner one more time like she's running things....Bossyvey: Does your oldest child try to take over parenting duties even though you keep asking them NOT to?
My 12 year old does that to his 7 year old brother, and I am forever reminding him I happen to be the parent. It is his way of attempting to act like an ';adult'; BUT it is just a bully attitude that drives me insane. *Pulls hair out -- of my head*Bossyvey: Does your oldest child try to take over parenting duties even though you keep asking them NOT to?
Its annoying isn't it

My daughter does it with her brother

Be careful crossing the roads

Don't talk to strangers

Well our daughters will probably make good mums
Hey, if she wants to be boss, she can clean up after dinner, do laundry, pay bills, etc etc.
HEY i am like that and its only because we want to make your lives easier for you and if you don't apreciate it then tell her!
My son does the same with my daughter. I have to reel him in at times but at others I kinda like the break.

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