For me - it's abortion questions. I refuse to answer them, I don't care if they are pro-life, pro-abortion, whatever, I just keep my opinions to myself on that topic.
What's your 'danger-zone' topic?
PQ: How old was your child when they could successfully count to 10?What topics do you just completely stay away from when you are in the Parenting section?
Well, I try to steer clear of all of the debatable ones. But what fun is that??
Sometimes I’ll ignore abortion questions. Because I feel repetitive. It is what it is for me, why try to convince others?
Dylan is 2.5 yrs old and he counts to 10 like this: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10.
Don’t even try to tell him about 3-7. They don’t exist. LOL.What topics do you just completely stay away from when you are in the Parenting section?
I try not to answer ANY *debate* questions but every once in awhile I HAVE to chime in :)
Tyler learned to count, in order, within the last year or so. He recognized letters and numbers by 2. (He was a little backwards; usually its memorization of order then recognition. He learned the letters /numbers first, then learned the correct order. I have a smart cookie :)
Riley is starting to become interested in numbers and colors. I love it when he says *purple*. lol
Plain idiotic questions like the one I just saw saying, ';how do i tell my kids that i don't want to be their daddy any more?';
Or, ';am i pregnant?';......
Questions like this I don't waste my time on. I like serious questions, genuine questions, and I stay away from troll like questions.
I report anyone who answers a question with advertisements/spams as well.
My son recognized his numbers 1-10 when he was 2. BUT, he didn't start successfully counting by himself until he was 3 years old. Now that he's 4, he can count up to 30 and recognize all those numbers. :-) Of course with preschool help as well as help from me and his daddy practicing with him often.
OH, and I mainly stay away from questions that use a lot of IM typing! I cannot stand that. It's fine when you are texting over your phone, or IM chat, but when you're asking a question or answering one, use regular grammar/spelling.
Breastfeeding vs. Formula feeding
I TRY to stay away from these subjects because I believe what I believe and everyone else is entitled to their own opinions, BUT there is ALWAYS someone who wants to argue about it. I don't do drama.
I can't remember the exact age when she started counting to 10... I know I have a video of it, I would have to look it up. I think she was almost two. And at first, she would count to ten, but skip number 7. Then when she first started counting to 20, she would skip number 15. She has it down now though. lol
I agree I stay away from Abortion all the time.
I also 'try' and stay away from any SAHM vs. Working mom bc I always end up getting defensive any time I read others answers and then I'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day, lol!
My first was 17 months. She was a smartie for her age. She loved to watch Dora and could count in English and spanish
My second couldnt do it until the middle of pre-k so he was about
4 1/2
And my third, I dont know yet. She will be two in September and cant do it yet. She will count to three though, lol!
I stay away from breastfeeding vs bottle feeding questions, abortion questions, and spanking questions. I feel like everyone will make their own decision according to what they feel is best for them.
My son is 3 and can count to ten but sometmes forgets some of the numbers. He is really good at recognizing his letters though.
Any question that asks, ';am I pregnant?'; Seriously, there are two ways to know, the doctor or giving birth. I can't tell from the color of her skirt or the pain in her eye and neither can she. We all have to wait for confirmation, the wait sucks, but it is the way it is. Even if she is two hours pregnant, the likelihood of staying that way is relatively low.
I think my daughter was 3 when she learned to count to ten. Now she is 4 and a half, she can count to 999 by ones, 995 by fives, 990 by tens.
Mine is abortion, breast feeding and religion. People feel so strongly about these issues you will NEVER change their mind so why bother giving your opinion. They don't really want opinions they want a debate.
Q - Probably 16 months or so, both of my girls were early talkers they started at 5 months and spoke fluently before the age of 2.
I just recently migrated over to this section but i hate answering abortion questions. But have a few times because they were so ridiculous I couldn't help myself. Leighland started counting to ten when he was about 2 and a half. He turned three in may and now can count to 20 sometimes.
I completely avoid abortion topics now. I used to answer some, but its honestly just not worth it. We all have our opinions, and its too passionate a topic.
I also avoid the obviously trollish answers, unless they really silly and I feel like being silly. Some of them are just disgusting in topic and I won't humor those kinds of people with a response.
I don't answer the unanswerable. I don't pick out names for other people's children. I'm an adult guy so I don't answer questions for moms and teens. I don't take the time to wade through a 100 line story of how bad off I have it compared to everyone else. I'm not a doctor and I won't give medical advice.
My children are 28, 26 and 19 and I'm still waiting for them to get it right! But believe me they had me counting to ten a lot of times!
Ugh! I HAVE to go to the abortion ones! I just think ';Maybe I can convince this person to give her baby up for adoption.';
I avoid the Little Francis questions. I used to like them but now they are just dumb, threre's three whole people going along with this and they're saying stupid things, they've ran out of ideas.
Pix at 2 and a half and Charlie recentally learned, she will be three in late October.
I tend to stay away from abortion questions and the ones that are clearly asked by middle schoolers- ';what should i do about this boy?'; yeah whatever. I have answered a few of both though.
my son is 21 months and he cannot count to ten yet.
oh and the stupid baby name game ones
I can understand that. Abortion is a sticky topic for the closest of friends if there is opposing views.
For me, I don't really have one, just the boring ones LOL
If my memory serves me I believe my son was around 2 and a half 3 years old.
I'll answer anything that plops in front of me long as I have the energy to put some thought into it...
There have been many many times that I've started an answer, and then just said ';f - it'; and gone to go find one that required less thought.
Luke's almost three and he's been counting for a while now...he's learning his spanish numbers now.
I avoid anything to do with breastfeeding, CIO, and circumcision. Nolan is now 2 and as of about two months ago he can count to ten. He counts ONE, TWO, REE, OR, IVE, SIX, EBEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN. It only counts if you scream ten at the top of your lungs apparently.
Well its in pregnancy and its the 13, 14, 15 year old's who have sex and get pregnant or the girls who ask if they're preggers OMG figure it out yourself! And abortion I avoid that too just because though. Oh they were about two and a half almost three maybe.
';Am I pregnant?';, Abortion, Spanking, ';He didn't c u m in me but....';, ';Do you like this name?'; and pretty much anything that looks like it was typed by a teen in 'text speak'.
Oh, and my daughter was around 2, but I don't remember how old.
Spanking Q's. For, against, whatever, I can't stand the topic.
Count to ten: He could recite the numbers in order just after age two, but actually counting out ten items was closer to age three.
There are very few questions on abortion that I answer...basically, they all ask the same thing.
That, and ';Am I pregnant'; questions. Enough!
My daughter was about 3 when she could count to 10 without skipping numbers.
Breastfeeding and birthcontrol
My kids are still to little to count
I refuse to even open the ';Could I be pregnant?'; questions, as they drive me crazy! How the heck are we supposed to know!?
I dont really avoid any, I answer whatever catches my eye and say whatever pops into my little brain. Guess thats y i get so many violations.
There is none I children varied from 19 months (most takative child but I don't think she really understood the concept behind the counting) to about 22 months for the quietest.
REAL questions about the death of a child. I start to answer but usually cant complete it.
I'm the same... I stay away from the abortion questions. My child was almost 3.
If I feel like typing alot, there's nothing I won't tackle. Somedays I'm to lazy to deal with some topics.
My kids' were between 18-24 months when they could count to 10.
i skip by the abortion questions, and those damn Little Francis questions.
I don't have one unless I'm just not in the mood to deal w/ that topic.
I don't remember, at least 2.
I answer them all. I like watching people get mad.
I will say what type of shoes to buy for the kids, its very controversial
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