Like, do you think that corporal punishment is wrong? Why or why not? How much should kids decide about their nutrition? Etc.What do you think our good parenting techniques and philosophies?
Good parenting techniques are different for everyone. Each child has their own personality. The good technique for parenting children is do not count out any thing for instructing the little ones. Corporal punishment is not abuse if used in the right way. If talking and explaining to your child does not stop their limit breaking activities then a good swat on the butt is not a bad idea. It does two things, it gets their attention and it tells them where the limit is that you are not willing to have them cross. After the spanking, which should never be done in anger, but only with love in your heart, you need to sit down and explain the situation. Kids need limits and they need strict guidance at times. You may not have time to explain to them every thing at the time but you need them to do what you say when you say it.
I am not saying corporal punishment is to be use all the time but never limit in your bad of tricks to protect and teach your child. Kids have to be corrected by different means and with love. If you have the type of child that can be talked to and always obey your instructions then you will not have to serve corporal punishment. That is great. Children need limit set and they need to understand exactly where they are. This will also teach them respect for you and for others in authority.
If kids know more about nutrition than you do then they can decide what to eat. Look you are the parent. You have the responsibility to raise, protect and teach your children. You can always give them choices about what you want them to eat. Like either this apple or pear. Then they decide which one they can eat. That is about how much you can let them decide about nutrition. Good LuckWhat do you think our good parenting techniques and philosophies?
i think the way to correct babies or youth is not with the corporal punishment... that's just called abuse... i think everybody have EARS and EYes to learn what they cannot do, whats wrong or right.. etc etc... its about how you teach them from the very first time...... in the times before..... it was a better teaching, nowadays there's too much freedom given to the 13 - 18 kids.... i think that's not correct..
to raise your kids totally opposite than our parents raised to teach them respect,responsibility,and love people and their selves..Raise them the way you would want to be treated is what I do...I teach them what I want them to learn and love them no matter what choices they make I forgive and pray they have the wisdom to survive in this world where idiots come to teach them what they want them to learn....
I think the majority of parents know what they are doing. They also know that if they ware doing something wrong, they know that too. Conserning corpral punishment, it's illegal. You can't lock your son in a closet because he's bad. A pop on the butt to get their attention is just fine. Anything more is not necessary if you raise them right. Nutrition; if you keep the right foods in the house then they can choose what they want to eat for a snack. Dinner time however, in my house, what I eat, they eat. My son LOVES anything green because of that. Broccolli believe it or not is his favorite food. When we go to the grocery store, he flips out when he sees broccolli %26amp; I have to get it. Other kids flip out when they see M%26amp;M's or something. If you eat it and show it's good, they'll want it.
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