Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is your reason for parenting the way you do?

What I mean is .... do you do what your parents do? or What it says to do in books? or What you like of what your parents did, but deciding to do some things different than them because you vowed as a child never to that to your kids when you didn't like something your parents did? Or any other reasons you may have?What is your reason for parenting the way you do?
I do some things differently. my mil hates it that I dont let my children gorge on sweets, I told her once, look at your sons pictures at 8yrs old and tell me how you felt about him starting to be chunky, she shut up after that,lolWhat is your reason for parenting the way you do?
I try to just use common sense and good judgement. I really don't buy into all these books, there is always a new fad of parenting and it changes all the time. I do some stuff the same as my mother, I am fairly strict, and am teaching my children manners and to respect others, but I'm sure there are times when my mom thinks I am too lenient. I let my son jump around alot more, and I am more affectionate with my children as my parents were not so much.
I started parenting when I was young when I first turned 21. I have been learning as I go along....not only from myself but other parents and people that I look up to.

I make mistakes and will make more. Now I'm a single parent which makes things 10x more difficult and my children are teens.

I have actually heard myself say things my mother said and I vowed to never do that when I was a child....I apologized though....not much you can do once it comes out. I think stress and being overwhelmed gets the best of me at times. But 9 times out of 10 or more...I am very careful that I don't say hurtful things I will regret later because my mom and dad did hurt me with their words, so I don't want to do that to mine.
Your child holds all the future before them. Your mission if you wish to accept it or even if you don't is to help them be the best they can be. So now you can narrow your question down to ';what is best for my child';.

Here is one thing to keep in mind, they will one day have to think for themselves. So you could teach them responsibilities. If you have some personal values like be trust worthy or respect others personal space. You know, fool the kid into thinking you know what your doing.

Is this mission impossible?
I mostly do the things my parents did, but I try to love my children more and hold them more and cuddle with them more. My parents were great parents, but they were not (and are not still) affectionate. There was nothing that my parents did that I swore I would never do though. Same with my husband. Our parents parented in very similar ways, aside from the affection issue--his were very affectionate.
i think the way i parent my daughter now had a lot to do with how my parents raised me.

i am a little more lax with my daughter in regards to running and around the house and being loud (she's 17 months old). my mom hates that i let her run and yell, but she's a kid and i don't live in a museum, so i don't see a problem with letting her have fun every now and again when we are at home.
We parent differently to our parents because the culture and times have changed. Our aim is to have happy, healthy, well mannered, well adjusted, productive adult children. We are ecclectic in following the advise of family, friends, medical staff, and parenting experts.
i think with my husband and i we discipline our children they way we were disciplined for the majority of it. But, we have picked up a few things of our own through the way and we implement those too. But, honestly i would say when I discipline my oldest son, I hear my parents words through my voice. lol. i dont always want it to be that way, but it does happen. lol.
I hardly do anything my parents did. I parent a certain way , based on each child's needs, in order to make sure they develop academically and emotionally and grow up to be self confident adults.
Our parenting is 10% our parents 20% the opposite of our parents 30% books and research and other parent's opinion 40% instinct.

I take what I've learned from parents, friends, doctors, books, internet.. etc. and mush that all together to form my own gut feeling on what I should do. If that makes sense.
We do what works for our child to grow up as a decent human being. All children are different, and they respond to different parenting methods.

All the best.

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