Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How can we prevent the devastating social consequences of bad parenting?

Children that are emotionally or physically abused or just made to feel like they are no good by their parents have a lot to overcome as they go into adult-hood. This has a detrimental effect on society in general if these people are not able to achieve their full potential, have increased mental and physical issues, or end up in the criminal justice system. How can we make sure all children have what they need growing up?How can we prevent the devastating social consequences of bad parenting?
It takes a community to raise a child.

The parents may be struggling with their responsibilities and not know how to ask for help - or be too embarrassed.

In today's society the extended family is not as close so where this is the case we need to play the role of surrogate extended family, to create a community of good role-models.

So neighbours, parents of the child's friends, teachers etc need to step up and provide extra guidance.


If you know a child who is not receiving the social, emotional and all round personal development through their family, have a think about what role you can play in that child's life. It only need be a small gesture that could make a big difference.

Start a casual conversation with the parents so they know they are not on their own and that if they need help there is someone to talk to.

Obviously if the child is being neglected or a victim of abuse report it!How can we prevent the devastating social consequences of bad parenting?
parents should be more aware about the family! Now days people are taking easy the wedding and the consequence is that the are having bad influence in their kids! School plays important role in the human behavior!
By loving, educating, protecting, nurturing, instilling good morals, being a positive roll model, setting boundaries, and disciplining them in a consistant manner.
Reduce the number of single parent situations. Don't just jump in the sack and marry for no good reason. Men have to take responsibility and work to support their families. We have to throw off the femiNazi ideas that a woman can raise a child successfully by herself. A child NEEDS both parents in good relationships to promote decency, teach honor and respect, and right from wrong. Discipline is part of that responsibility. Spanking doesn't hurt a child. Too much or too little discipline hurts the child.
I think it would be great if with every birth there is a packet send home with new parents. Inside this packet would be parenting class information, parent support groups, a list of of children shots required, mental health numbers for assistance, and daycare information for working parents. But this would only scratch the surface since the problem goes way beyond good parents. Drugs play a large role by parents of these children. Check with social services and you will find over 50% of their cases are drug related being the cause for removing children.
Most business need licenses to produce services -- restaurants, day care, doctors, etc. Why not have licenses for parenting?

Educate young people now, show them better role models, How to behave in a socially acceptable manner. Basic wrongs and rights, as well as academic study. Educate them to know that drugs WILL screw up their lives, that Domestic violence is NOT ACCEPTABLE, that basic human rights need to be respected as well as demanded. Also, by confidence building and working on building up young peoples self esteem, they have a better chance of standing up for themselves, and avoiding the pitfalls of peer pressure.

These young people will make good parents.

';Old'; values like integrity, a work ethic, honour and pride, as well as community spirit need to come to the fore. By worshipping individualism, Western societies have promoted self interest above concern for others, and put profits before people. No wonder we are where we are today!

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