Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do you feel about this parenting problem?

I ive in South Africa %26amp; on todays news across the country is a story of a Man who threw a party for his sons 16th birthday with strippers as entertainment. He didn't tell any of the other parents about his intentions %26amp; he also lied about the age of the boys to the strippers. Some might say that it was harmless fun but then some of the activities which took place were grossly inapropriate for these youngsters.. like washing the naked ladies %26amp; witnessing them fondle themselves with toys, etc..

What would be your take on this? Please mention what age you are %26amp; if you are a parent or still a minor.How do you feel about this parenting problem?
I am 42 and have a 16-year-old son. If my son went to a party like this and then came home and told me about it, I'd probably call CPS on the man who hired the strippers. If he brought in women who stripped, fondled themselves, etc., in front of CHILDREN, that is a form of child abuse and I wonder if the man himself is a pedophile. And it seems like the strippers would have left when they saw a room full of kids.How do you feel about this parenting problem?
i am a 41 yr old female with now grown boys of the age of 22 21 and 19 and let me tell u if someone were to do that while my boys were attending a birthday party i would have had them arrested they are not men at 16 they are still boys yes at that age most boys are already having sex but it gives no other parent the right to show explicit woman to them it makes me sick to even think someone would do something like this.i hope that jerk gets in a lot of trouble
I am 22, married, and a mother to an 18 month old daughter. First, I would have went crazy on that man then he would have been reported and arrested. That was not harmless fun. There are age limits on things like that for a reason. He did it for some kind of freaky satisfaction of his own. Disgusting.
Im a parent, that is crazy that should not be allowed!! I would never buy my kids alcohol or buy them ciggeretts and I would not buy strippers for my kids!!! This is shamful!!! thats just what I think
I am 32 and my twins are 8. I would be extreemly angry if this happened at a party my kids were at
I don't think it's appropriate to have strippers but when my brother turned 16 and I was 18 I baught him a playboy. I made sure it was just naked ladies and not any ';toys';. I knew that he had some already from his friend and that he was coming into that age where he started to spend more time in the bathroom. I also went through the sex talk with him at that time too. I went through the STDs and pregnancy and everything. I sure I scared him to death and that he wasn't going to see any real naked girls upclose for long time after that! My parents weren't too keen on talking about sex at all with us kids. To this day he makes very good decisions when it comes to sex. He waited until he was in love, he uses protection, and he's been with her for over 5 years now. I started having sex when I was 15 and made bad, bad choices with my life. I was never exposed to what sex was and the right way to do things. Boys that age have urges and if they didn't I don't think it would be normal. It's hormones and peuberty rearing their heads. I do think that they should leave the strippers to entertaining the 18 year olds in the clubs, that's why there is an age limit in thoes clubs and not getting other parents permission is really, really, really wrong. If you want to screw up your own kids head be my guest, but you screw with my kid and you're going to get it. My parents are actuall thankful that I gave my brother the talk for them. They didn't know how to approach it. Health class starts when kids 15 and 16 also so they are hearing about things at that age too. I am a parent of minors and I don't think I'd buy my kids porn like I did my brother but I do plan on having the talk with them and telling them about reality instead of them thinking that sex is glamorous. The stripper thing is going a little too far for me but it happens and no matter what you want to think about your innocent 16 year old think back to what you were doing when you were 16. Besides aren't there tribes where the girls get married before they are 16?
The parents need to know what the party is going to consist of.
I would be incredibly peeved if someone took it upon themselves to show my underage son strippers. It's a right of passage thing to be viewed only upon reaching the age of majority. It's not up to him.

I am a parent, 20 years old.
He had no right to pull such a stunt, if he wanted his son to have a stripper then he should not have had the other boy's there, they have parents who make those kinds of decisions for them...not for him to make just because it was his son's birthday. I would sue his butt, have him arrested for aiding in the delinquency of a minor...I am 53 years of age, I am a parent of an adult child.
I'm a 26 year old mother. I feel that it was VERY irresponsible for this father to provide this type of ';entertainment'; for a 16 year old BOY. Yes I said BOY. He is under 18 as well as his friends. I would have more then a few harsh words for this father if my child was there. What you do for your own child in the privacy of your home is your business, don't involve other peoples children in these lude acts.
I am a 38 yr old parent of a teenage son. The adult in charge of this little birthday party could be charged with a crime..... It is not ok, and illegal. Those are underaged boys and the parents did not even know about it, so yes, there is and ought to be outrage and disgust over this type of behavior. It is not ok to subject other people's kids to adult parties.
I'm 14 and i think that it is really really disgusting. But really it is the choice of the parents and people involved. =)

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