Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why are parenting skills not considered a legitimate critique?

Why are republicans trying to avoid this issue like the plague? Why are republicans confusing this as attacks and insults against her children?

If someone called her children incestuous retarded degenerate pot-heads, that would be considered an attack or insult against her children, but this is actual criticism of Sarah Palin's parenting skill which would reflect on her ability to lead as Vice President and potentially President if anything happens to McCain.Why are parenting skills not considered a legitimate critique?
Gov. Palin was chosen to be VP candidate. It is despicable and sexist to drag her children through the mud to get at the mother. Her doughtier has not done anything illegal and that is all that needs be said. Shame.Why are parenting skills not considered a legitimate critique?
I agree... Ive been wanting to ask that same thing! everyone is saying that we shouldnt talk about this but we arent trying to critize bristol, just Sarah who is supposedly could become president if something happens to mccain and to be honest, with everything going on with her family right now i dont feel safe with her being the president or vp...
Get this...according to the ';mono'; stroy that the Palin family gave for Bristol missing 5 months of school. Bristol got pregnant while she had this extreme case of mono. This would mean she was probably confined at least to her house if not to her bed. So that means that the boyfriend had to be IN THE PALIN HOUSEHOLD while the two had sex. Nice job Sarah...good parenting.
because I know some of the best parents you ever want to meet, and they have a kid or 2 that go amok, and I know some of the worst parents and their kids or kid turns out to be an awesome person, so should all her kids be exactly alike in personalities and the way they act and the way they believe?
Are these the same republicans that thought Obama should be responsible for his minister's words?

That's weird, considering Obama didn't raise the minister and Sarah Palin did raise her daughter.
No other Presidential candidacy has faced the problems that Palin brought to McCain.

So now we have to think about it.

The people rule!
Because it shows a lack thereof, which is embarrassing to the Republicans.
they are.

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