Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do do when people under mind your parenting?

How do you correct the kid that was misdirected? And how do you deal with the Adults who do it?What do do when people under mind your parenting?
You just have to be strong and reinforce your rules. Make sure you keep repeating yourself till they go by your rules again. Tell the adult listen either follow my rules or stay away from my kid. I know that's harsh but hey if they aren't following your rules to begin with they need a rude awakening!What do do when people under mind your parenting?
Basically, you are going to have to lay law and tell people who are doing this that they have no business undermining your authority. If it hurts their feelings, oh well, you need to do what is best for your child. If they won't heed your warning then just tell them that their time with your child will either be monitored by you, or will be reduced until they can do as you ask. As for your child, clearly explain the rules you want obeyed, tell your child that YOU are the parent and you want these rules followed, and set consequences if the child breaks the rule, and be consistent about this. If your child won't clean up his toys, then the toys will be put away for a period of time.
It started when my twins were little. People loved to play with them, but the minute they cried or had a poopy diaper . . . also I had to be really careful about germs as they were premature. I got tired of explaining and defending myself. My experience has been that older people tend to pass judgment, with out remembering ';what it was like';. I used to feel so unsure , as a parent. It made me a nervous wreck! I couldn't be an effective parent that way. I have a motto ';IF YOU CLAME IT, YOU CHANGE IT!.'; Which basically means if you are bold enough to criticize me, go ahead and fix it smarty pants.
Tell the adult that you have a set amount of rules for your child and when they undermine those rules, it makes you very unhappy.

I have had to deal with this many times before and I hate confrontation but in situations like this, it has to be said.
my mom does it all the time...she goes as far as to tell me what to do....gets on my nerves big time...at first i tried to ignore it...then she didn't stop so i told her just how badly it ticked me off. i'll try their advice just later...i'm stuborn tho,i don't want to look like i'm a push over,because i parent how i see fit...period
I would never undermine another parent in front of their child. There is not much to say to someone who undermines your parenting so I would probably say nothing.

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