Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What did your mother teach you about parenting?

My mom taught me about not to stress out alot about baby when he comes home, and when baby gets sick that not to worry to much things will be ok.What did your mother teach you about parenting?
no a fence but ur a fat *** ***** and you look like a fat slut you fat horeWhat did your mother teach you about parenting?
My mom taught me everything I know about being a mom. She taught me (and still teaches me) how to discipline effectively, how to let them grow up (a huge struggle for me, lol), how to deal with every type of thing that comes up whether it be problems with school, bizarre behavior, illnesses and every other thing that you can think of. I am very fortunate to have such a wonderful mother. I only hope that my kids will love me just as much as I love her.
I was an abused child so my mom taught me all the things that you should not do to your children. I must say even though I was treated so poorly I did not treat my children any where near the way that I was treated. I know have 4 children who are turning out to be well rounded kids. I have 2 grown kids who have graduated college and I still have 2 kids still living at home.
My mom taught me some good things, but I have to be honest in my mom taught me mostly what not to do.

My mom had/has no self confidence or self control. She was very much against conflict so as a result she constantly was a ';push over'; and never disciplined any of us. She was more hands off because she could never handle all three of us as once. I love her and she is a kind person, but she didn't teach me a lot that was worth keeping.

The two things that I can take from her to my family are compassion for others (she would do anything for everyone else, but I will apply this to my family as well as others) and the way she respects my dad (I respect my husband).
my mom taught me to never leave my kids- like she did

and my step mom taught me not be beat children or mentally abuse them also-like she did. even though my childhood was not good. you CAN learn from the bad too.

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