Do you differ from your sibling?Do you and your siblings have similar styles of parenting?
We agree on things like CIO and smacking, but disagree on things like how much time they should spend playing independently, weaning/food. She lets my niece behave really differently to how I plan on Luke being allowed to play. For example my niece drags out every single toy in our house, and my sister just lets her, without suggesting maybe putting some back before bringing out another one, or when she has a snack my sister finds it funny if my niece tramples crumbs into the carpet.
I'd be mortified if Luke did this in someone else's house.Do you and your siblings have similar styles of parenting?
We completely differ. My brother plays rough with his kids, whereas I am a bit more firm, but also let them get away with a lot. My sister seems to be a role model for both myself and my brother to look to. Her child is mellow and relaxed, typical 3 year old yes, but very well behaved. I think that how the children behave reflects on the various styles of parenting, whether you need to change your style or not.
I'm the only child that has children of her own in my family. However, my husband's parenting style differs quite a bit from that of his brothers. One of his brothers is a complete push over and allows his wife to attempt all the discipline, and the other one over does it and his kids are prim and proper almost to the point where they are afraid to just be kids. We're hoping to find that happy medium.
Well we are yet to truly find out as my (older) sister is 3 months pregnant with her first child. However, I know that she doesn't like the idea of breastfeeding (I'm still breastfeeding at 18 months), plans to put the baby straight into their own room (I'm part-time co-sleeping), is excited about buying a nice big pushchair (I mainly used a baby carrier) and is a bit naive about things. When my daughter was about 3 months old and wouldn't settle, she said 'if you just put her in bed and say time to go to sleep now, won't she just sleep?' haha if only it were that simple! She also will worry a lot about how her child looks, I don't care as long as she is clean and happy. I get things from cheaper shops and nearly new sales, her baby will have the best of everything. My daughter is very much a part of our family and comes everywhere with us, has a later bedtime etc but her baby will be put to bed strictly on time and left with others a lot more.
I'm like a few of my sisters, and totally different from others.
My sister Corky and I both don't spank, and believe in time outs, and taking away toys and stuff, I believe in redirecting and teaching, not hurting. My oldest sis spanks and believe everything is a privledge to her kids and that they have to earn everything they get, my other sister is more like me and Corky is trying not to spank or yell, but I think she does sometimes, and my twin tried to never spank and only give timeouts and take toys away, but being alone with 3 small kids all day was too stressful for her and they won't listen a lot of the time so she now spanks a little, but still tries not to have to.
I'm not sure how my other 2 sisters feel, but my twin and I disagree with my oldest sister because we blieve the kids didn't ask to be ere so most things they get isn't just a privledge, obviously as they get older they do have to earn some extras, but not everything.
Oh goodness, NO. My brother and I are totally opposite in how we are raising our children. He has a daughter, I have a son, and they are about a month apart(Noah is a month older).
He is SUPER protective and likes to follow the book to a T. I'm more laid back and base things off MY research and instinct, which is a shock to everyone because they all thought I would be the protective and anal one.
In the end, though, both of our babies are happy, loved, and healthy. I guess that's all that matters in the end. :)
My eldest sister and I see things eye-to-eye on most things. She's more patient than I am though. lol That being said, she doesn't have children of her own yet. She's our childrens' godmother though. I'm excited to see her with her own family someday..... soon, I hope. :)
My other older sister gave her first child up for adoption and her other two children were taken from her by social services. Needless to say, our parenting styles aren't similar in the least.
Totally, yes. My brother has three daughters that he lets run all over him. they are rude and have absolutely no manners. My sons are the opposite. He does not believe in making them upset and because of this he has a two year old that still sucks on a pacifier and two others that talk back and whine to get their way. Your sister's parenting style may be a reflection of how her SO was parented. I know that my style is reflective more of my husband's then the way I was raised. My mom cursed and yelled and instilled fear in order to get things done in our house.
some ways yes (cloth nappies, home made baby food, breast feeding etc)
Some ways no - she's all for CIO, I am not. She is a very shouty mum, I am not.
She's a SAHM - she %26amp; her husband run a business from home so she can be.
We're both into doing nice things with our kids so we're similar in that light.
We're very similar in our values around gifts and what our kids can have - in fact a couple of years ago my niece %26amp; nephew got their bedroom furniture for xmas - they were over the moon!
i have 4 sisters and i don't think that any of us feel exactly the same about it. my oldest sister spanks her kids and acts like everything they do or get has to be earned the hard way. poor jama is stuck with 3 kids alone in the country all day and is a little more stressed than i am and she does spank, but not often. now jassy we can't really know her style yet because her baby is..well..a baby lol! now me i never spank my kids. i take things away if they are being bad. i hate going out with all my sisters because we all treat our kids differently and we treat each others kids how we treat our own. which means of course charity trying to yell or hit my fun so yeah i said your not alone with the differing thing lol
Good question!
And yeah, like you me and my sis are totally different! We always have been. As kids she was the pretty-girly-one and I the scruffy-tomboy. As parents she fed and I breastfeed. She passed her kids here and there with babysitters, my daughter has slept one night away (with my sis! lol) and I am very m
Well we are different in some ways %26amp; the same in others.She is very much for CIO and isn't much of a cuddler,etc..I,on the other hand, hate CIO,love giving cuddles and holding my baby,I don't agree that it ';spoils'; them to hold them,and so on.It doesn't matter though.Both of us are great parents %26amp; our children are loved and happy.Thats all that matters
i am 37 years old and the closes sibling to me is 47 so they have a lot of different ways they raise there children because there kids are my age or older my mother was 39 when she had me. so they all are a lot older so they have raised there kids totally different.
absolutely. different in all ways so far. her son is 8 and my kids are only 2 and 3 but we're totally different in our parenting too. we're totally different in just about everything though :) (marriages, finances, how we handle work, etc etc)
Oh my sister and I are totally different in our parenting styles, but she's 11 years older than I. Also, I had my first child at 25 and she didn't have her first child until she was 38.
Well my sis doesn't have any kids yet. But I'm pretty sure our parenting styles will be very different! Although I do see her calling me for advice from time to time.
Completely different
yep i completely differ from my sister. i think im more laid back than her. my bro and me are pretty much the same though.
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